
Katie Strom

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership

California State University, East Bay


PhD, Teacher Education and Teacher Development
Montclair State University, 2014 

M.Ed., Cross-Cultural Education
National University, 2007

Single Subject Social Studies Credential 
California, 2007

Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004

Professional Experience

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
California State University, East Bay

As Associate professor, I serve as core faculty for the Educational Leadership for Social Justice EdD program, teaching courses focused on critical social theories and qualitative methods for social justice-oriented research as well as mentoring and advising students through their dissertation processes.

Research Associate

As a research associate for the Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL) initiative, a professional development organization dedicated to the improvement of the education of ELLs and other language minority students, I developed and led professional development sessions for district/school site leaders and teachers in school districts across the country and conducted small and large scale qualitative research studies focusing on the improvement of instruction for language learners.

Doctoral Teaching and Research Fellow
Montclair State University
2010- 2013

Served as faculty research assistant for Drs. Ana Maria Villegas and Monica Taylor, taught undergraduate and graduate coursework in the Secondary and Special Education Department, served as induction coach for the Newark-Montclair Urban Teacher Residency, and conducted longitudinal, qualitative research to document the outcomes of the NMUTR teacher residency model.

History Instructor and Development Director
Gompers Preparatory Academy
San Diego, CA, 2007-2010

I was a founding member of Gompers Preparatory Academy, approved by SDUSD Board of Education in January 2009; I also co-authored the Gompers Preparatory Academy charter, business plan, and curriculum design and successfully wrote small and large scale grants. In addition, I served for two years as a seventh and eighth grade United States and World History teacher.



  • Strom, K. (In press). Scaffolding the language of power: An apprenticeship in doctoral-level writing.

  • Strom, K., Mills, T, & Abrams, L. (Eds; 2023). Non-linear perspectives on teacher development: Complexity in professional learning and practice. Taylor & Francis.,

  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (Eds., 2019). Exploring gender and LGBTQ Issues in K-12 and teacher education: A rainbow assemblage. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

  • Strom, K., Mills, T., & Ovens, A. (Eds., 2018). Decentering the researcher in intimate scholarship: Posthuman materialist perspectives in education. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2017). Becoming-teacher: A rhizomatic look at first-year teaching. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.


Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Kayumova, S. & Strom, K. (Under review, American Educational Research Journal). Toward Relational Justice: Understanding Asset-based Science Pedagogical Moves with Multilingual Youth through Micro-Analysis of Positioning Events.

  • Kayumova, S. & Strom, K. (Under review, TESOL Journal). Developing Orientations toward Relational Justice: The Power of Collectivist Language.

  • Strom, K. & Mills, T. (In press). Enacting posthuman ethics to do academia differently: Toward an affirmative peer reviewing practice. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry.

  • Strom, K. & Mills, T. (In press). Enacting affirmative ethics through autotheory: Sense-making with affect during COVID-19. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2022). Toward a Critical Posthuman Understanding of Teacher Development. Teaching and Teacher Education. Released online ahead of print.

  • Strom, K., Mills, T. & Abrams, L. (2021). Illuminating A Continuum of Complex Perspectives in Teacher Development. Professional Development in Education, 47(2-3), 199-208.   

  • Strom, K. & Mills, T. (2021). Affirmative Ethics and Affective Scratchings: A diffractive re-view of Posthuman Knowledge and Mapping the Affective Turn. Matter, 2(1), 200-223.

  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (Under Review, Harvard Educational Review). Toward a Critical Posthuman Understanding of Teacher Development.

  • Strom, K. & Viesca, K. (2020). Toward a complex conceptualization of teacher learning-practice. Professional Development in Education. 

  • Margolis, J. & Strom, K. (2020). Assessing the success of teacher leadership: The case for asking new questions. Professional Development in Education.

  • Strom, K. (2020). Learning from a ‘Lost Year’: An Autotheoretical Journey through anxiety and Panic. Capacious. 

  • Strom, K., Ringrose, J., Osgood, J., & Renold, E. (2019). PhEmaterialism: Response-able research and pedagogy. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodologies, 10(23). https://journals.hioa.no/index.php/rerm/article/view/3649

  • Strom, K., Margolis, J., & Polat, N. (2019). Teacher professional dispositions: Much assemblage required.Teachers College Record, 121(11). https://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=22813

  • Viesca, K.M., Strom, K., Hammer, S., Masterson, J., Linzell, C., Mitchell-McCollough, J., and Flynn, F. (2019).Improving content teaching for multilingual students via complex theoretical understandings of teacher learning-practice. Review of Research in Education, 43, 304-335.

  • Porfilio, B., & Strom, K. (2019). In pursuit of socially just and socio-culturally responsive educational leadership preparation: One Ed.D. program’s process of transformation. Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 3(2).

  • Porfilio, B., Strom, K. & Lupinacci, J. (2019). Getting explicit about social justice in educational doctorate programs in the US: Operationalizing an elusive construct in neoliberal times. Journal of Educational Foundations, 32(1-4), 104-124.

  • Strom, K., & Porfilio, B. (2019). Critical hybrid pedagogies: A self-study inquiry into faculty practices in a blended educational leadership EdD program. E-learning and Digital Media, 16(1), 1-14.

  • Strom, K., Martin, A., & Villegas, A. M. (2018). Clinging to the edge of chaos: The emergence of novice teacher practice. Teachers College Record120(7), 1-32.

  • Strom, K., Dailey, A., & Mills, T. (2018). Non-linear negotiations: Constructing practice as a first-year teacher. Teacher Education Quarterly, 45(3), 7-28.

  • Strom, K., Mills, T., Dacey, C., & Abrams, L. (2018). Thinking with posthuman perspectives in self-study research. Studying Teacher Education, 14(2), 141-155.

  • Strom, K., Haas, E., Danzig, A., Martinez, E., & McConnell, K. (2018)Preparing educational leaders to think differently in polarized, post-truth times. Educational Forum82(3), 259-277. 

  • Lucas, T., Strom, K., Bratkovich, M., & Wnuk, J. (2018). Inservice preparation for mainstream teachers of English language learners: A review of empirical literature. Educational Forum, 82(2), 156-183.

  • Strom, K. (2018). ‘That’s not very Deleuzian’: Interrupting the exclusionary nature of ‘high theory’. Journal of Educational Theory and Philosophy, 50(1), 104-113.

  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2017). Thinking with theory in an era of Trump. Issues in Teacher Education, 26(3), 3-22. 

  • Strom, K., & Porfilio, B. (2017). Centering social justice in EdD Programs. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 2(1), 15-18.

  • Strom, K., Plough, B., & Porfilio, B. (2016). Preparing educational leaders for social justice in a blended educational doctorate program: An initial action research inquiry. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice 1(1).

  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2016)Pursuing lines of flight: Enacting equity-based instruction in the first year of teaching. Policy Futures in Education, 14(2), 252-273.

  • Taylor, M., Klein, E. J., Onore, C., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (2016). Exploring inquiry in the third space: Case studies of the first year in an urban teacher residency program. The New Educator, 12(3), 243-268.

  • Martin, A., & Strom, K. (2016)Toward a linguistically responsive teacher identity: An empirical review of the literature. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 10(4), 239-253.  

  • Strom, K. (2015). Teaching as assemblage: Negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 66(4), 321-333.

  • Martin, A., & Strom, K. (2015). Neoliberalism and the teaching of English learners: Decentering the teacher and student subject. SoJo Journal, 1(1), 23-43.

  • Klein, E. J., Taylor, M., & Onore, C., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (2013). Finding a third space in teacher education: Creating an urban teacher residency with Montclair State University and the Newark public schools. Teaching Education24(1), 27-57.

  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2013). Putting philosophy to work in the classroom: Using rhizomatics to deterritorialize neoliberal thought and practice. Studying Teacher Education, 9(3), 219-235.

  • Villegas, A. M., Strom, K., & Lucas, T. (2012). Closing the racial/ethnic gap between students of color and their teachers: An elusive goal.  Equity and Excellence in Education45(2), 283-301.


Book Chapters

  • Strom, K., Viesca, K., & Masterson, J. (in press). Disrupting Deficit Through Radical Re-Imaginings of Urban Student Subjectivities and Knowledges. In G. Judson & M. Dougherty (Eds.), Cultivating imagination in leadership: Transforming schools and communities. Teachers College Press.

  • Kayumova, S. & Strom, K. (In press). Critical theory, ontology, and epistemology in STEM Education. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press.

  • Strom, K. (2022). Immanence and a pedagogy of vulnerability: Teaching with anxiety and panic disorder. In T. Kress, C. Emdin, & B. Lake (Eds.), Critical pedagogy for healing (pp. 59-70). Bloomsbury.

  • Mills, T., Strom, K., Abrams, L. & Dacey, C. (2020). More-than critical friendship: A posthuman analysis of subjectivity and practices in neoliberal work spaces. In C. Edge, A. Cameron-Standerford, & B. Bergh (Eds.), Textiles and Tapestries. EdTech Books. https://edtechbooks.org/textiles_tapestries_self_study/chapter_14

  • Strom, K. (2019). Adopting a Complex, Decentered Perspective of Teaching Marginalized Students. In P. Jenlink (Ed.), Teacher Preparation at the Intersection of Race and Poverty in Today's Schools (pp. 103-106). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

  • Strom, K., & J. Lupinacci. (2019). Posthuman pedagogies in two educational leadership program qualitative research sequences. In C. Taylor & A. Bayley (Eds.) Posthumanism and higher education: Reimagining pedagogy, practice and      research (pp. 103-121). London: Palgrave.   

  • Strom, K., Mills, T., Abrams, L., & Dacey, C. (2018). Putting posthuman theory to work in collaborative self-study. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Pushing boundaries and crossing borders: Self-study as a means for researching pedagogy (pp. 35-41). Herstmonceaux, UK.

  • Martin, A., & Strom, K. (2018). Coping as a line of flight in a linguistically diverse kindergarten classroom. In P. Miller & T. Rishel (Eds.), Stress and coping of English learners in the 21stcentury (pp. 61-82)Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

  • Strom, K. (2016)Teaching assemblages: Negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching. In W. Reynolds & J. Webber (Eds.), Expanding curriculum theory: Dis/positions and lines of flight (pp. 135-157)Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum.

  • Strom, K., Abrams, L., Dacey, C., & Mills, T. (2016). “I, Teacher Educator”: Grappling with ethical responsibility, hybrid pedagogies, and neoliberal agendas in mangled educational spaces. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 53-59)Herstmonceux, UK: S-STEP.

  • Ovens, A., Strom, K., & Garbett, D. (2016). A rhizomatic reading of becoming teacher educator. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 181-187)Herstmonceux, UK: S-STEP.

  • Martin, A.  & Strom, K. (2016). Thinking with Rhizomatics in self-study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study (151-164)Dordrecht: Springer.

  • Dacey, C., Strom, K., Abrams, L., & Mills, T. (2016). Toward the future of self-study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study(167-173)Dordrecht: Springer.

  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2015). Deterritorializing Neoliberal thought and    practice in the classroom. In M. Abendroth & B. Porfilio (Eds), School against the Neoliberal rule: Educational fronts for social justice (pp. 171-186)Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.

  • Strom, K., & Lesperance, R. (2015). Inquiry and induction in the third space.  In M. Taylor & E. J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space (pp. 247-266)Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

  • Taylor, M., Diaz, A., Taylor, J., Strom, K., & Perry-Ryder, G. (2015). Teaching for social justice with inquiry cycles. In M. Taylor & E. J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space (pp. 89-113)Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

  • Strom, K., Abi-Hanna, R., Dacey, C., & Duplaise, J. (2014). Exploring and connecting lines of flight. In M. Taylor & L. Coia (Eds.), Gender, feminism, and queer theory in the self-study of teacher education practices (pp. 31-44). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Recent Presentations

  • Kayumova, S., Strom, K., & Tageuchi, M. (2022). Micro-Level interactions as sites of assets-based transformation. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

  • Ansari, S., Strom, K., & Hayes, K. (2022). Learning at the mid-point: In-process teacher development of inquiry-based science pedagogies for multilingual learners. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

  • Strom, K., Mills, T., & Dacey, C. (2021). More-than critical friendship: Exploring relational capacity through posthuman self-study. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (virtual).  

  • Strom, K. (2021). Enacting affirmative ethics through methodological hybridization: An affective autotheoretical journey with anxiety and panic disorder. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association

    Annual Meeting (virtual).  

  • Strom, K. (Accepted). Enacting affirmative ethics through methodological hybridization: An affective autotheoretical journey with anxiety and panic disorder. Paper accepted for the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA.

  • Strom, K. (2019). Putting theory to work in social justice research for educational leaders: A critical posthuman perspective. In symposium, Operationalizing social  justice in educational leadership programs: Perspectives from practice. Paper presented at the University Council on Educational Administration Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

  • Strom, K. (2019). Diffracting theory in educational leadership programs: A critical   posthuman perspective. In symposium, Feminist posthuman pedagogies in teacher  and leadership preparationPaper presented at the Gender and Education Association Annual Meeting in London, UK.

  • Strom, K. & Viesca, K. (2019). Toward a complex framework for conceptualizing   teacher learning-practice.  Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.

  • Mills, T., Strom, K., Dacey, C., Abrams, L. (2019). Putting posthuman theory to work in collaborative self-study. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.

  • Fairchild, N., Sidebottom, K., & Strom, K. (2019). Feminist posthuman pedagogies in teacher and leadership preparationPaper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.

  • Wallace, M., & Strom, K. (2019). Kinds of teachers: Pursuing a posthuman engagement with(in) ideas about ‘good teaching.’ Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.

  • Strom, K., Mills, T., Dacey, C., Abrams, L. (2018). Putting posthuman theory to work in collaborative self-study. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, East Sussex, England.

  • Mills, T., & Strom, K. (2018). Producing and being produced by theoretical analysis: A diffractive self-study. Paper presented at the Invisible College at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.

  • Margolis, J., Strom, K., & Nihat, P. (2018). Teacher professional dispositions: Much assemblage required. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.

  • Martin, A., & Strom, K. (2018). Coping as a line of flight in a linguistically diverse classroom. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.

  • Martin, A., & Strom, K. (2018). What’s the ‘T’? Queer realities and queer possibilities in K-12 teacher education. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.

  • Strom, K. (2018). Posthuman Pedagogies. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • Strom, K., & Mills, T. (2017). Constructing beginning teaching practice: A diffractive reading. Paper presented at the 2017 biennial Summer Institute in Qualitative Research in Manchester, UK.

  • Strom, K., Porfilio, B., & Lupinacci, J. (2017). Defining and operationalizing social justice in EdD programs. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.

  • Strom, K. & Porfilio, B. (2017). Critical hybrid pedagogies: A self-study inquiry into faculty practices in a blended educational leadership EdD. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.

  • Strom, K., Martin, A., & Dacey, C. (2017). Constructing lines of flight in a first- year special education biology teacher’s classroom. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.